WELCOME to all craft lovers out there~~
JARUM DAN BENANG is the re-branding of the product from ELLE's PLUSHIES previously..

the same creative fingers, but wider and broad craft products will be produce here~

so, why dont u share the cuteness too~

PERHATIAN kepada semua~

thnx sbb sudi singgah sini~ sy ade beberape makluman penting kpd semua bfore anda rase nk beli produk sy ni~

1. sy adalah student cum RA kpd supervisor, jadi mase sy sgt terhad dengan commitment lain

2. jadi, sy memerlukan mase utk menyiapkan oder anda

3. oleh itu, sy harap anda sabar menunggu supaye sy dapat menghasilkan brg berkualiti demi kepuasan semua

4. order akan disusun mengikut que dengan seadilnye~ kalau anda rase anda x dpt menunggu, sy mintak maaf sgt2~ sy x dpt nk tolong~

pertimbangan anda sy dahulukan dengan ucapan terima kaseh x terhingga~!!

29 February 2012

pilihan warna utk a4 pillow & neck rest car seat

hai olls~ nk update warna yg available utk a4 pillow and neck rest car seat ye.. stakat ni, ni je la warna ade, and ni adalah kain felt ye.. i'allah, kalu ade permintaan, sy akan tambah lg.. oh ye, warna purple coming soon~



x cukup byk kan? haha.. xpe, akan ditambah dr mase ke semasa, bajet ciput, cmni la~~ hhehehe

custom order: a4 cute pillow

another a4 pillow~ ramai btol minat a4 pillow yg cute ni ye.. oderan dr aziehan, utk bby boynye.. dulu design gigirl kan, ni design boboi plak..

a4 cute pillow
rm25 (emboss design)
status: made to order

notes: price stated NOT inclusive postage

for those yg berminat dgn available produk, or berminat nk tempah produk yg sold, bley email me at atirahsalim@gmail.com


27 February 2012

2010's products price revision~

ni ada sedikit pengumuman tau~ seperti sudah sedia maklum, elle's plushies ni actually da bermula sejak tahun 2010, tp atas2 sebab yg x dpt dielakkan, ia telah direhatkan selama setahun~ well, tuan die ni sibuk nk bertunang, kawen n opkos siapkan thesis..

maka, nk bgtau skit la... harga2 utk produk tahun 2010 akan ade sedikit perubahan di tahun 2012 ni... opkos la kan, skang bajet tahun 2012 ok, seme brg harga da naik, minyaknye lg, poslaju pon da tukar rate since 2011..

oleh itu, pd yg berminat dgn produk2 FEVERET yg tlah dihasilkan tahun 2010 tu, bley oder.. don worri.. masih dibuat, cume harga nye mungkin x sama dgn harga yg ditulis tu.. ok?

so, utk keselamatan n kesenangan kite bersama, mintak msg or email sy dl utk quote harge bg produk yg anda nk ye.... tq soooooo much!!

26 February 2012

ready made: slice of CAKE keychain

hola everybody! happy weekend yaw~~ sempena weekend yg hening, sy nk update ready made keychain yg panas2 lg ni! presenting~~

slice of cake keychain
size: 4cm(h)x5.5cm(w)

hazelnut crunchy
status: available

rainbow cake
status: available

status: available

strawberry shortcake
status: available

kiwi miwi cake
status: available

orange spongecake
status: available

chocoholic cake
status: available

nampak delicious kan? tp jgn makan tau~~ x tercerna plak nt! haha

oh ye~ utk keychain ni, sy pakai ball ring instead of regular ring tu sbb cake ni misti tergantung tuk nampak lebey comel gtu~

notes: price stated NOT inclusive postage

for those yg berminat dgn available produk, or berminat nk tempah produk yg sold, bley email me at atirahsalim@gmail.com


24 February 2012

coming soon~~

wanna slice of cake? very cute cake! lg kecik dr tapak tgn ni ha....

ok, ni br permulaan ye~~ byk lg cake2 lain yg akan muncul nanti~ hehehe... yg penting, pasti mengiurkan anda seme! cewah~ hahaha.. details psl kek ni akan dibagitau after felt food batch ni siap kay~ tungguuuu~~

custom order: cute pillow

next! oderan pillow comel dr fasya utk anaknye yg cumiiilll.... hannah! wah gtu~ excited aku nk buat, sbb die mintak yg cute.. design suke ati aku je.. hehehe

ok, design mcm ni agak mahal sbb ade bunga2 atas bantal tu adalah timbul2 ye.. bukan yg leper2 tu.. tp kalaukorg nk request yg leper pon boleehhh~ no prob!

as usual, basic material felt, design material also felt, machine sew~

a4 size pillow
rm25 (emboss design)
status: made to order

notes: price stated NOT inclusive postage

for those yg berminat dgn available produk, or berminat nk tempah produk yg sold, bley email me at atirahsalim@gmail.com


custom order: car pillow

car pillow, diorder oleh ma sis~ nk letak dlm kete swift nye.. material asasnye sama ada kain belacu or kain flannel or kain felt.. design plak pakai kain felt. pricenye same je ye~~~ hehehe..

a4 size pillow
rm15-rm20 (depends on design)
status: made to order

notes: price stated NOT inclusive postage

for those yg berminat dgn available produk, or berminat nk tempah produk yg sold, bley email me at atirahsalim@gmail.com


custom order: car neck support

okeh, new produk~ new ke? hahahha.. konon2 new la kan... ni ha, car neck support.. ni bukan aku buat sbenarnye, adik aku buat, tp aku tetap produce pd sape2 yg nk order~

car neck support
status: made to order

notes: price stated NOT inclusive postage

for those yg berminat dgn available produk, or berminat nk tempah produk yg sold, bley email me at atirahsalim@gmail.com


ready made: LOVE pair keychain~

okies.. ni 1st batch after a loooooooooonngg pause! tgh mencari rentak blk ni, hope u like it~ hehe

toast love pair keychain
status: SOLD!

eggly love pair keychain

waffle love pair keychain

orange love pair keychain
status: SOLD!

apple love pair keychain

strawberry love pair keychain

notes: price stated NOT inclusive postage

for those yg berminat dgn available produk, or berminat nk tempah produk yg sold, bley email me at atirahsalim@gmail.com


19 February 2012

elle's plushies is back!!!


berita baik utk semua peminat craft di luar sane, yer.. elle's plushies is back selepas setahun lebey menyepikan diri! hehehehe.. insyaAllah, kali ni akan cube bertahan lebey lame hendaknye..

mintak maap sgt2 sbb last time tepakse stop dgn tetibe, dgn oder yg x dpt dilaksanekan spenuhnye.. ampun! ampun! ampun! maka, kpd name2 list oder disbelah ni, kalau anda masih berminat, pls email me yer.. kalu x pon xpe, sy faham~ hehehhee...

kali ni elle's plushies akan mengeluarkan lebih craft yg menarik, tertarik, unik dan opkos kiut! as usual, personalized kpd pembelinye, iaitu boleh dicustom made, dan ade juge ready made craft yg akan dihasilkan from time to time..

diharap seme masih sudi la menerima elle's plushies dlm bidang craft ni, sbb minat terhadap craft x penah terpadam, cume terpakse dipendam je... hehehe~

thnx again, n enjoy the cuteness!